Process Operator

Hessel Rozenga has a lot of power on Terschelling. He is responsible for all drinking water on the island. From checking the drinking water installation and the pipe from the mainland to Terschelling, to repairs at people’s homes. Hessel explains how water is purified into drinking water. He himself does not drink purified water, but directly from the ground. So why do people still want purified water? And could we also purify sewage water into drinking water?
Water sample: tap water Tool: plumbing fitting.
Senior Scientist

To what extent is the Dutch drinking water clean and safe to drink? And when is it clean enough? These and more questions will be answered by Roberta Hofmann. Hofmann is a senior scientist at KWR Water Research Institute. Her specialties are drinking water and wastewater treatment. The KWR tries to bridge science to practice in order to build the knowledge needed to address complex water challenges. We spoke with Roberta about the undesirable substances in the Dutch drinking water and what the processes are to remove them.
In hoeverre is het Nederlandse drinkwater schoon en drinkbaar? En wanneer is het schoon genoeg? Deze en meer vragen worden beantwoord door Roberta Hofmann. Hofmann is senior wetenschapper bij KWR Water Research Institute. Haar specialiteiten zijn drinkwater- en afvalwaterzuivering. De KWR probeert een brug te slaan tussen wetenschap en praktijk om de kennis op te bouwen die nodig is om complexe wateropgaven aan te pakken. We spraken met Roberta over de ongewenste stoffen in het Nederlandse drinkwater en wat de processen zijn om deze te verwijderen.