Salt Agriculture and Chef

Flang Cupido is a pioneer in saline agriculture on Terschelling. As the groundwater becomes saltier, normal agriculture can produce less and less good food. Saline agriculture is a solution. The Zilte Smaak is a practical case of how you can grow fruit and vegetables in soil that is becoming saltier. It’s also still very tasty. To compensate for the salty soil, fruit becomes much sweeter. What are the things we will eat in a saltier future?
Water sample: 2/3 salt and 1/3 sweet sourcewater
Cattle Farmer

We interviewed Gerard at our pop up radio station in Hoorn forest.
We spoke about how much water a cow drinks on a hot day, about intergenerational labour on the farm and Gerard’s progress in saline agriculture. Water sample: ground water from the farm Tool: trench shovel.